Business Requirements



Translating Questions to Business Requirements



Business Requirement

Message Content

Why do I need a message?

I need to meet a regulatory requirement

CMS requires that we notify members that a member’s PCP can refer them to specialty care

Your Primary Care Provider can refer you to a specialist for any specialty care needed.

Why do I need a message?

I need to communicate information

Members need to know that providers with certain specialties may not be a PCP under their plan

Providers with an Internal Medicine specialty are not PCPs under your plan.

Why do I need a message?

I need to direct the member to take action

Members need to contact a vendor when searching for Urgent Care

If you need to see a provider immediately, contact Urgent Care Provider at 800.123.4567 for an immediate consultation

Building Out Your Business Requirements

What is the Business Requirement?

What Causes the Message to Appear?

Does the Member Need to Take Action from the Message?

Does the Message have Specific Characteristics?

CMS requires that we notify members that a member’s PCP can refer them to specialty care

The member performs a search for a PCP using the following search terms: “primary care”, “pcp”, ”primary care physician”


The message should display at the top of the search results screen for all searches, even if there are no results found

Members need to know that providers with certain specialties may not be a PCP under their plan

The member performs a search for a doctor with an internal medicine specialty, or a search for a PCP using the following search terms: “primary care”, “pcp”, ”primary care physician”


The message should display at the top of the search results screen for searches where providers are returned in the results; no message displays if there are no results

Members need to contact a vendor when searching for Urgent Care

The member searches for an urgent care provider using the search term “urgent care”

Yes, the member needs to click the link that takes them to the Urgent Care vendor tool

The message should display at the top of the search results screen for all searches, even if there are no results found