Well Configured Provider (WCP)


In this lesson, we will focus on the concept of a “Well Configured Provider,” as it drives patient engagement and ultimately drives conversion.

Each provider profile consists of 17 fields that can be configured in KyruusOne. You can find how well your providers are configured within PM-Analytics on the KyruusOne dashboard, where you will want to navigate to the Data Quality tab.


The more fields that are configured for your providers, the higher the chance a patient engages with them in PMC and the higher the chance for conversion into a booked appointment.


To be considered a “Well Configured Provider,” they must have 12 out of the 17 fields configured. Additionally, your goal should be to have 85% of your (employed) providers be Well Configured.

In PM-Analytics, Consumer dashboard, Engagement tab:

You can see the correlation between fields configured and provider views for your healthcare organization. In the graph below, you see this correlation. The blue bar indicates the number of providers and the number of fields configured. The orange bar shows the amount of profile views these providers have received. The more fields a provider has configured, the higher the profile views.


Kyruus researched all of their customers and found that not all fields are created equal. As you can see on the next page, some provider fields have a higher impact on conversion into a booked appointment than others.


Ratings and Reviews are the biggest drivers for conversion into a booked appointment at 9X. As an added bonus, having these for a provider also boosts SEO.

Binary Fountain is an example of how these ratings and reviews can surface directly into PMC. You can have this configured by reaching out to your Customer Success Partner.

The presence of Clinical Keywords is a close second at 8X conversion, which is a key aspect in helping a patient find a good match with the appropriate provider. This field is driven by our robust KCL (Kyruus Clinical Library). You can learn more about clinical keywords and additional clinical best practices in our Clinical Best Practices eBook.

If you need any help in creating robust professional statements which increase conversion at 2x, we have a cheat sheet, which has been curated by Karen Conley DNP, RN, NEA-BC, our Sr. VP, Clinical.